Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch or BPD-DS is a procedure is offering new hope for at-risk patients with the most excess weight to lose.

BPD-DS is a restrictive and malabsorptive procedure that has two components. First, it restricts food by removing a large portion of the stomach and creating a small, tube-like stomach pouch similar to the popular sleeve gastrectomy procedure. Next, a large portion of the small intestine is bypassed which reduces the amount of calories, fat, protein and nutrients the body absorbs.

This surgery is usually performed on individuals who are classified as “super-obese,” those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 50 or a BMI of 40 with uncontrolled type-2 diabetes.

The advantages of this procedure are that it not only changes the capacity of the stomach, but also reduces the hormones that affect hunger and increases the effects of feeling full. BPD-DS is very effective at improving existing health conditions like diabetes, and high blood pressure, and can provide a weight loss between 65 and 80% of the excess body weight.